Chart of the Month

Chart of the Month
01.03.2019 Author/s: Andreas Schulten

March: Yield Drop in Class A Cities Slowing

Das Chart aus unserem Kapitel des Frühjahrsgutachtens 2019 zeigt: Die Preisspirale in den deutschen A-Städten dreht sich inzwischen deutlich langsamer. Was ist in einer solchen Marktphase zu erwarten?
Chart of the Month
01.02.2019 Author/s: Martin Steininger

February: Real Estate Sector Unimpressed by Current Economic Lull

The German Property Index (GPI) quotes the total returns for German real estate investments. You can tell at first glance that the “super cycle” has lost some of its momentum.
Chart of the Month
01.01.2019 Author/s: Dierk Freitag

January: Tourism in Germany Makes Record Gains

Tourism in Germany is prospering. For nine years running, arrivals and overnight stays have been growing in number. The primary reason is strong domestic demand. By contrast, international tourism still has room for development in many cities.