
18.09.2020 Author/s: Patrik Völtz

Growth of Mega Distribution Centers Accelerates

Together with Buck Consultants International, bulwiengesa has analysed the European market for large-scale logistics properties. The most important results were summarised in a joint whitepaper
23.03.2020 Author/s: Tobias Kassner und Patrik Völtz

Coca-Cola Vacates Logistics Facilities – How We can Assist Your Site-Finding Effort

Zoning land for logistics developments keeps getting harder in Germany. Which makes it all the more interesting to find out who is abandoning logistics sites and thereby releasing them for use by others. All it takes is a quick search in our real estate database
18.03.2020 Author/s: Tobias Kassner and Patrik Völtz

Investment Volume in Corporate Real Estate Has Never Been Higher

The market report of the Initiative Corporate Real Estate shows: Following an unexpected final spurt, corporate real estate for around EUR 3.1 billion has been traded in the full year 2019. This record volume comes as a surprise to many market players. At the same time, the letting market lies idle
06.12.2019 Author/s: Tobais Kassner

Logistics: Short Supply Despite Completions Record

As the year draws to a close, it is becoming clear that 2019 will be yet another banner year in logistics real estate completions. This is remarkable insofar as many important logistics locations show a massive shortfall in plots of land. Here is another finding of the latest “Logistics and Real Estate 2019” survey: Domestic companies are warming to this asset class in steadily growing numbers
01.11.2019 Author/s: Tobias Kassner

Corporate Real Estate: Funds Embark Shopping Spree

As far as Unternehmensimmobilien go, the demand for investment-grade properties and for new rental units remains sky-high. But suitable assets are in short supply. As a result, investment and letting volumes have taken a nose dive. That is the upshot of the latest market report published by Initiative Unternehmensimmobilien. Just as interesting is that acquisitions by asset managers and fund managers were more than five times as high as the amount spent in 2018
26.06.2019 Author/s: Tobias Kassner

German Unternehmensimmobilien Shed their Reputation as an Exotic Species

On the Anglo-Saxon real estate markets, light industrial properties are nothing exotic but have been established as popular investment objectives for a long time. Unternehmensimmobilien, their German equivalent, have now caught up to them
20.03.2019 Author/s: Tobias Kassner

Logistics Regions: Potential Beyond the “Big 5”

The German logistics business is by no means limited to the metropolises. It is extremely important for logistics companies, project developers, investors and financiers that their logistics properties are located in sustainably attractive logistics regions. Our scoring system, published for the first time, shows what these regions are
03.01.2019 Author/s: Tobias Kassner

Logistics Beyond the Hype

The bread-and-butter business of logistics is transacted outside the city gates. But what makes a sound logistics region depends strongly on the market segment. Increasingly, it is also defined by the degree to which is can be customised for flexible use