Build to own

Build to own

25.10.2019 Author/s: Ellen Heinrich
Source: bulwiengesa 2019

Still, Classic Property Developers Remain in the Lead

Despite this development, classic property developers remain the key market players with their trading development assets in Germany’s seven Class A cities. A closer look at the lead players across segments and project strategies (trading developments or investor developments) shows that, except for ABG Frankfurt, this is exclusively a private domain. Apart from ABG Frankfurt, the only companies worth mentioning because they prioritise investor development projects are CA Immobilien and BUWOG. In other words, market activities continue to be dominated by the trading development strategy.

Differences in the importance of the investor development market are manifest, by the way, not just among segments but also from one city to the next. In Munich, for instance, it is most notably the office segment that has an above-average share of investor development project areas. In Frankfurt, by contrast, projects of the investor development type play a clearly sub-average role in this segment.


Source: bulwiengesa 2019

This will remain a fascinating market to watch. What helps us do so is the growing willingness of investor developers, too, to participate in the data exchange for the purposes of bulwiengesa’s Property Developer Survey. This has enabled us to verify around 50 % of the annual project areas associable with the classic trading development strategy. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all participating companies once more.

Contact person: Ellen Heinrich, author of the Property Developer Survey, heinrich [at]