Real Estate Economies in France and Spain Quickest to Recover

Real Estate Economies in France and Spain Quickest to Recover

10.05.2019 Author/s: Felix Schrader
Source: Deutsche Hypo and bulwiengesa

This positive pan-European trend essentially applies to all countries studied within the framework of the Deutsche Hypo REECOX index. Trends in France and Spain were particularly positive. Having suffered serious setbacks the year before, they registered growth in all three months of the first quarter. These countries also topped the average with their quarter-end total for Q1. The real estate economy in France gained by 3.2 %, while the rate of change in Spain was even higher at 3.8 %. While the other countries did not see upward growth in every month of the first quarter, their setbacks amounted to less than one percentage point, with the exception of the United Kingdom.

Sabine Barthauer, Members of the Board of Deutsche Hypo, said: “We keep seeing the close ties even in our day-to-day business: Many investors engage in cross-border transactions and pursue pan-European strategies. The entire business community is taking advantage of a unified Europe.”

The REECOX index maps the quarterly trend of the real estate markets in Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Poland, Spain and the Netherlands by calculating scores on the basis of five input variables. For the latest report and additional details, please go to the index homepage.

* The Deutsche Hypo Euro Score lets you see at a glance how the European real estate economy is developing collectively by gathering the real estate economy figures of each country in a compact score for Europe as a whole. The score is calculated by weighting the various real estate economies according to the significance of each country’s investment market. This keeps an excellent real estate economy to have a disproportionate effect on the Euro Score if the size of the underlying market is relatively small.

Contact person: Tobias Kassner, Head of Division Industrial and Logistics Markets at bulwiengesa, kassner [at]