bulwiengesa Blog

Chart of the Month

Zwischen Nachfrage, Neubau und Nachhaltigkeit

Die 6. Studie „Logistik und Immobilien“ zeigt: Nicht nur Onlinehandel und Corona-Effekte führen 2020 zu einem riesigen Zuwachs an Neubauflächen. Dennoch reicht das Volumen nicht, um die Nachfrage zu decken.
22.11.2018 Author/s: Björn Bordscheck

New Scoring for Residential Locations with Strong Growth Prospects

Whether or not a property investment is fit for the future depends on many factors. One of them is how comfortable people are in it. In a survey of residential locations with a bright outlook (“Future Locations: Wohnlagen mit Perspektive”) that we conducted together with Wealthcap, we examined auspicious cities and micro-environments. A customised scoring evaluates macro- and micro-criteria simultaneously for the first time
31.10.2018 Author/s: Dr. Joseph Frechen

High-Tech Mirrors and Talking Storefronts – Physical Retailing Reloaded

Principally, retailers leave nothing to chance on their premises. But so far, only a few bold forerunners have implemented genuinely innovative technologies in their retail units. Especially shopping centres and high-street pitches will not get around the need to introduce certain new technologies
15.03.2018 Author/s: Sven Carstensen

The Mortgage Lending Value – Stabilising Anchor or Deadweight?

The mortgage lending value is the basis for the security of mortgage bonds. As is well known, reliance on this model helped Germany get through the financial crisis more or less unscathed. Yet the rigid limits do not represent an adequate response to the widening gap between fair market value and mortgage lending value. Or do they?