bulwiengesa Blog

Chart of the Month

Zwischen Nachfrage, Neubau und Nachhaltigkeit

Die 6. Studie „Logistik und Immobilien“ zeigt: Nicht nur Onlinehandel und Corona-Effekte führen 2020 zu einem riesigen Zuwachs an Neubauflächen. Dennoch reicht das Volumen nicht, um die Nachfrage zu decken.
14.10.2020 Author/s: [current-user:display-name]

test 2

18.09.2020 Author/s: Patrik Völtz

Growth of Mega Distribution Centers Accelerates

Together with Buck Consultants International, bulwiengesa has analysed the European market for large-scale logistics properties. The most important results were summarised in a joint whitepaper
12.08.2020 Author/s: Ellen Heinrich

Conditions for Real Estate Developers are Changing

Demolition is out of question, according to the answers to our brief survey in April. Now we asked again. Hardly anyone now expects delays in construction and planning, but other factors have worsened
04.08.2020 Author/s: Dr. Joseph Frechen

Eight Trends in Germany's Highstreets

Everyone can see it: the top shopping streets and shopping centres are changing. An interactive tool that we developed on behalf of BMO Real Estate Partners makes future structural changes and opportunities visible for 141 German cities. The report also shows eight trends that will shape our highstreets in the future
09.07.2020 Author/s: Dierk Freitag

Hotels: Consolidation of a Booming Industry

Once again, we calculated the market volume of investable hotels with Union Investment. This has been growing for twelve years, reaching an all-time high in 2019. This is over for the time being, forecasts from 2020 onwards are hardly possible. Provided there’s no second wave of the virus, then at least the holiday hotel market might hope for a reasonably satisfactory second half of the year
10.06.2020 Author/s: Sven Carstensen

Remain Stable. Our Office Market Forecast

Every spring we publish the forecasts for each individual real estate segment; our RIWIS subscribers already know them. A glance at the office markets in class A and B cities shows cautious optimism: The markets will remain stable - despite declining employment, increased home office space and record completions
14.04.2020 Author/s: Ellen Heinrich

Signals For a Slump in New Construction

Within ten years, project developers have increased their space in the seven class A cities by around 30 percent - not enough to meet the demand for apartments and offices. And now our study "Real Estate Developers 2020" shows: Even before the Corona crisis, the total volume had already fallen significantly. Here are the most important results
23.03.2020 Author/s: Tobias Kassner und Patrik Völtz

Coca-Cola Vacates Logistics Facilities – How We can Assist Your Site-Finding Effort

Zoning land for logistics developments keeps getting harder in Germany. Which makes it all the more interesting to find out who is abandoning logistics sites and thereby releasing them for use by others. All it takes is a quick search in our real estate database
18.03.2020 Author/s: Tobias Kassner and Patrik Völtz

Investment Volume in Corporate Real Estate Has Never Been Higher

The market report of the Initiative Corporate Real Estate shows: Following an unexpected final spurt, corporate real estate for around EUR 3.1 billion has been traded in the full year 2019. This record volume comes as a surprise to many market players. At the same time, the letting market lies idle
17.03.2020 Author/s: bulwiengesa

Coronavirus Crisis: 10 Expert Statements

In what ways does the coronavirus crisis affect the various real estate segments? How are economy and labour market developing? What effect does the crisis have on valuations? Our division heads will help you assessed the situation by sharing share their insights
04.03.2020 Author/s: Alexander Fieback und Oliver Rohr

Most German Metropolises Lack New-Build Offices

No less than eight of the writers in our team—covering the real estate segment office, Unternehmensimmobilien, logistics, hospitality and senior living—collaborated in drafting the Spring Report of the Immobilienweisen expert panel, published by the ZIA German Property Federation. Here are the key findings for the office segment
03.02.2020 Author/s: Jan Finke

Real Estate Prices Have been Rising for the Past 15 Years

The 44th bulwiengesa Property Index shows: The growth of German real estate prices slowed slightly to 4.7 percent. But there is no reason to speak of an actual downturn. The office market is positively booming while prices for plots zoned for residential and commercial development have soared. Below you will find the five main takeaways from this year’s index
03.02.2020 Author/s: Björn Bordscheck

Scores for 400 Districts and 127 Cities

Together with Bayern LB, the state bank of Bavaria, we developed the Deutscher Immobilien Score (DISco). It records present and future strengths/weaknesses profiles of all German real estate markets in the segments office, residential and retail. So, if a small town like Miesbach suddenly outperforms a large Class B city, there are verifiable reasons for it
06.01.2020 Author/s: Martin Steininger

The Impact of Demographics on the Real Estate Landscape

A growing number of elderly, a widening gap between affluence on the one hand and poverty on the other: Housing and living conditions in Germany are changing. The effects are felt not least in the real estate landscape. Together with Berlin Hyp, we compiled a compact market report on demographic trends
13.12.2019 Author/s: Florian Wenner

Twelve-Percent Price Hike for New-Build Condominiums in Frankfurt

The 11th survey on new-build condominiums in Frankfurt am Main diagnosed serious price hikes – and this in peripheral locations. The average price has gone up to 8,100 euros per square metre. New-build flats close to the town centre have become sheer luxury products
11.12.2019 Author/s: André Adami and Felix Embacher

Cause for Concern: Berlin’s Housing Market

“Should we bypass or (continue to) invest in Berlin?” We keep getting queries of this sort. So, we undertook several dedicated evaluations on the subject of the rent cap, and derived four main insights. Moreover, our “Residential Market Report” is out now, which presents all the important key ratios for Berlin and another 20 A- and B-Class cities
06.12.2019 Author/s: Tobais Kassner

Logistics: Short Supply Despite Completions Record

As the year draws to a close, it is becoming clear that 2019 will be yet another banner year in logistics real estate completions. This is remarkable insofar as many important logistics locations show a massive shortfall in plots of land. Here is another finding of the latest “Logistics and Real Estate 2019” survey: Domestic companies are warming to this asset class in steadily growing numbers
07.11.2019 Author/s: Dr. Joseph Frechen

Lifestyle Fads Generate Tailwind in Food Retailing

The growth in the food retail trade continues unchecked. Even before the hype surrounding the Beyond-Meat burger set in, it became quite obvious: Retailers and operators engage in pinpoint quests for innovation in order to keep their consumers happy. For the 14th Retail Real Estate Report of Hahn Group, we analysed the latest developments in major retail sectors
01.11.2019 Author/s: Tobias Kassner

Corporate Real Estate: Funds Embark Shopping Spree

As far as Unternehmensimmobilien go, the demand for investment-grade properties and for new rental units remains sky-high. But suitable assets are in short supply. As a result, investment and letting volumes have taken a nose dive. That is the upshot of the latest market report published by Initiative Unternehmensimmobilien. Just as interesting is that acquisitions by asset managers and fund managers were more than five times as high as the amount spent in 2018
31.10.2019 Author/s: Alexander Fieback

Will Berlin as Office Location Be Left Behind? Far from It

Search and you shall find? Companies looking for new office accommodation—be it in order to up-size or down-size, be more centrally located or occupy newer quarters—have a hard time in Berlin these days. The market is swept clean, and prices are up. Many have decided to shelve their plans for the time being and to stay put. But despite the shortage of space and runaway prices, there is no reason to worry that this market may be falling behind