
09.07.2020 Author/s: Dierk Freitag

Hotels: Consolidation of a Booming Industry

Once again, we calculated the market volume of investable hotels with Union Investment. This has been growing for twelve years, reaching an all-time high in 2019. This is over for the time being, forecasts from 2020 onwards are hardly possible. Provided there’s no second wave of the virus, then at least the holiday hotel market might hope for a reasonably satisfactory second half of the year
13.12.2019 Author/s: Florian Wenner

Twelve-Percent Price Hike for New-Build Condominiums in Frankfurt

The 11th survey on new-build condominiums in Frankfurt am Main diagnosed serious price hikes – and this in peripheral locations. The average price has gone up to 8,100 euros per square metre. New-build flats close to the town centre have become sheer luxury products
11.12.2019 Author/s: André Adami and Felix Embacher

Cause for Concern: Berlin’s Housing Market

“Should we bypass or (continue to) invest in Berlin?” We keep getting queries of this sort. So, we undertook several dedicated evaluations on the subject of the rent cap, and derived four main insights. Moreover, our “Residential Market Report” is out now, which presents all the important key ratios for Berlin and another 20 A- and B-Class cities
14.09.2019 Author/s: Silvia Beck and Nicolas Gräßlin

The 27,000-Room Hotel

Our survey on hotel construction in Germany, which we compiled together with benchmark. REAL Estate, predicts tremendous growth: The roughly 27,000 hotel rooms that are expected to come on-stream in 2019 would suffice to accommodate the population of a mid-size city. Exciting to watch is a trend beyond classic hotel accommodation that is gaining ground even outside the major cities
26.06.2019 Author/s: Felix Embacher

Student Housing: Looking for Fresh Concepts

In the “2019 Student Housing” market survey that we compiled for Union Investment, we mapped the potential of 65 cities including four European metropolises. Few people could have expected Münster to emerge as the top performer. This goes to show that a pure Class A strategy falls short of the mark. What is principally lacking are options in the mid-price segment
Background Residential
15.06.2019 Author/s: André Adami and Antonia Wecke

Happy Holidays at the Baltic Seaside

The market for holiday properties has seen upward growth, as the Baltic seaside is highly attractive for many potential buyers. On behalf of PRIMUS Immobilien, we put together a comprehensive portrait of the Baltic seaboard in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania and outlined the investment potential. All holiday trends suggest that the market opportunities will stay as auspicious as they are
13.06.2019 Author/s: Felix Embacher and Robin Cunningham

What Will Tomorrow’s Residential Climate be Like?

In collaboration with our client BPD, we analysed the situation on Germany’s housing market. The findings for 11,000 communities are represented in an interactive housing weather map. It shows clearly: The map covers the whole spectrum from “hot” to “cold” – and some locations will surprise you
08.05.2019 Author/s: Christina Kraus and Felix Embacher

Dare to Invest in Class C Cities

No matter how low yield rates for flats in Class A cities drop, investors keep being attracted to conurbations. Opting for B- and C-class cities instead seems to be the obvious choice. Objectively speaking, that is. Yet our latest survey for the d.i.i. Group checks whether these cities represent sensible alternatives in terms of their risk-return ratio and, if so, which ones would be best
Background Residential
02.05.2019 Author/s: Felix Embacher

European Rental Housing Markets: Where to Invest?

We studied the conditions for landlords and investors in 14 European countries. Would you have guessed the country with the highest investment recommendation?
25.04.2019 Author/s: André Adami

North Rhine-Westphalia in 2019: Subdued Housing Market Boom

The housing market in North Rhine-Westphalia is characterised by positive parameters. This is not about to change before the end of this year. That being said, developments within the state differ radically
22.11.2018 Author/s: Björn Bordscheck

New Scoring for Residential Locations with Strong Growth Prospects

Whether or not a property investment is fit for the future depends on many factors. One of them is how comfortable people are in it. In a survey of residential locations with a bright outlook (“Future Locations: Wohnlagen mit Perspektive”) that we conducted together with Wealthcap, we examined auspicious cities and micro-environments. A customised scoring evaluates macro- and micro-criteria simultaneously for the first time